About us

What is backmywork.com?

Our world is filled with several talented artistes with songs to sing, films to shoot, dances to display, and artworks to exhibit. Sadly, many of these never reach the limelight because of inadequate funding to showcase their work. At backmywork.com, this is what we seek to stop.

Backmywork.com is Africa’s foremost donation crowdfunding platform that provides funding for creatives seeking support for their projects and provides the opportunity to back great work.

Our backmywork.com community is filled with many talented and passionate individuals with new and innovative projects across several artistic genres, ranging from poetry to music, short film production to dance, amongst many others.

Our mission is to provide a platform for creative projects to be funded. Our goal is to fund over 10,000 projects by 2027. Our passion is never to let any artistic project go unfunded. This is what we live for; this is why we love to do what we do!

Who can use BackMyWork.com?

Backmywork.com is for all creators seeking to bring to life their extraordinary genre of work. Our creators include singers, musicians, instrumentalists, spoken word artistes, visual artists, comedians, hype persons, content creators, artists, podcasters, videographers, photographers, music producers, actors, movie producers, poets, writers, DJs, models, dancers, directors, and many more.

Why backmywork.com? 

Backmywork.com is unique because it is the first creator-only donation crowdfunding platform in Africa. Creators use our platform to showcase their projects, enabling them to showcase their talent and receive funding from our pool of backers (donors) who fund their projects.

What guides us?

Our objective is to bridge the funding gap between creators and their projects by providing a safe medium for backers to find and support them. Our guiding values are transparency, creativity, and authenticity.