Afropop singer and producer Ralphael’s creative process.

Back My Work had a sit down session with one of our talented creators, afro pop singer, Ralphael, and he let us in on his creative process, his journey through music and his current plans and next music projects.

Q – Tell us a bit about you and your journey through music

A – My name is Raphael Ijeizei, I’m an afro pop musician.

I started doing music around 2015, I started with blues and all that but decided to infuse Nigerian music in my style and switched to afropop and afro melody. I worked with Oxygen Mix, he did my first single.

I’ve been working with Molz’s Magic, a producer. I’ve been working on my singles with him and he’s been putting me through the production process. 

Q – What was the inspiration behind your single, ‘WITHOUT YOU’?

A – ‘Without you’ was supposed to be a training session for production. So I went to the studio and he was like “Bro, I want you to do a full beat today since you’ve been learning”. That day, I produced a full beat on my own.

I was the one that picked the sounds, the idea, and the melody.  While listening to it, he said, “Bro, this is your type of beat so just bounce on it and let’s see what you can do.“

I did a freestyle and viola! ‘Without You’ came to be. The name just came like that when I was just singing the freestyle and I thought, I’ll name this song ‘Without You’.

Q – What is your creative process for writing music? 

A – Some people write without instruments, they just write something and when they get to the studio, they vibe with it. But for me, I have to listen to the instrumental first, I have to get connected to it. I listen to the instrumental and I flow with the melody.

Q – How many songs have you written?

A – I have done some songs over the years including singles and features, about 12 in total.

Q – What are your future plans for your music?

A – I want to promote two of my songs, I want to put those songs on every platform everywhere, to generate traffic. Put them on radio stations and TV stations. Just make sure people can hear this and hear my voice and connect with my style. I hope my music will get to record labels, record deals, get to the limelight, enable me to get followers, make people know me and know my music style.

Q – Any last words, what should your fans expect?

A – Once again, my name is Ijeizei Raphael. RA-PH-A-EL is my stage name. I’m born to be a star. I have that fire in me waiting to burst out, so you guys support my music, support my vision, support my voice.

Check out his funding page on Back My Work to support his project:

Ralphael’s Funding Page