Mide Fash, a talented creative hyphenate talks about finding Spoken Word.

BackMyWork sat down with Mide Fash, a talented creative hyphenate. She talked about delving into spoken word, being a singer, guitarist and writer and her many stage performances.

Q – What is your name and what do you do?

A Hi. My name is Ayomide Fasedu A.K.A Mide Fash. I am a spoken word artist, writer, singer and a guitarist.

Q Spoken Word, that’s pretty interesting. How did you discover your talent for it?

A The first time I did spoken word poetry, I didn’t even know Nigeria had a spoken word scene.

I was on my way back from an errand and decided to get Isiewu (an Igbo delicacy) from a popular nkwobi joint closeby.

Upon getting there, I noticed that there was a guy taking names down onto a list.

There were a lot of nerdy looking people around. The guy asked me if I was there for the event, and at that moment, another guy walked on stage and did what looked like a slow rap performance. 

So I thought to myself, ‘Why not?’ and put down my name.

When it was my turn to perform, I performed a very slow version of a rap song, and I ended up winning that Poetry Slam.

That got me interested in spoken word poetry.

Q – How were you able to connect with other poets in the spoken word industry?

A – I began to attend a series of spoken word events.

There were events such as “Ask a Fan”, “War of Words” where I got to meet a lot of other poets. I listened to their works and this made me want to work on myself and improve my skills.

Q – You mentioned earlier that you’re also a singer?

A – Singing has always been a part of me. Music has always been really dear to me so singing comes naturally.

Q – Have you performed at other spoken word events?

A In october 2021, I was shortlisted to perform at Lagos International Poetry Festival (LIPFEST).

There were over 200 submissions and I was among the ten poets that were picked to grace the stage. It was symbolic for me.

Q – Have you worked with any poets or artistes?

A – I worked with Blackmagic on one of his albums. I was featured on a track on it, a song titled “The call”.

I sang the chorus rather beautifully. It was quite the experience.

Q – Are you currently working on any project?

A – I am working on a project of my own, an extended playlist (EP) called ‘WildFire and Chocolate Toppings”. It consists of five tracks which are a fusion of music and poetry.

What makes this project beautiful is the fact that it is a fusion of different genres.

Q – What excites you most about your EP?

A – I can’t wait for you all to listen to “WildFire and Chocolate 

Toppings”. It is awesome. It is a wholesome EP.

So please support me here on BackMyWork.

I hope you feel the spark I felt while I was making it.

Check out her funding page on BackMyWork to support her project:

Mide Fash’s Funding Page