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I am Precious Ubadike, and my stage name is Caesar Ubadyk.

My genre of music is an Afro-Futuristic genre of music I call xXREAL. The xXREAL movement goes way beyond music into a culture and a sub-culture of futuristic African life, embedded and built upon the bedrock of Christ and Christian principles. It has strong scientific influences and seeks to spread African science and technology as well as the African narrative through music.

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Lagos, Nigeria

Caesar Ubadike

1 Projects | 0 Loved Projects

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About The Project

The first of my genres of music is embedded in a six-track EP that tells of a spiritual journey towards true freedom titled “Roads Untraveled“.
Roads Untraveled embodies the spiritual journey of the traveler through hell and high waters to attain freedom. True Freedom. The sounds are influenced by artists like Enya, Vangelis, Enigma, and Eri Sugai, as well as hip-hop and African contemporaries.

I intend to use the funds raised to create this music and culture in order to rewrite the African narrative. To tell the world that Africa is sophisticated and advanced, not a backward race, and neither are we intellectually inferior. I intend to ignite an afro-technological movement that would better our fate as black people and restore our dignity as a race.