Kevin Kieriama

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I am Kevin Kieriama, a musician whose music is an articulation of my thoughts and observations.

Having lived in three different places in Nigeria and visited a lot more, my expression of my craft through music is unique and a testament of the fact that the art comes from a place deep within. My music is littered with consciousness of myself as a subject and my environment as a canvas to paint on.


I hope to make music that evokes emotion from my audience and hope that the people that need my music will get it. My greatest accomplishment will be giving people the opportunity to listen and to hear my music and relate it to different situations and points in their lives.

I believe that I make music for people out there, and it’d be wonderful if that music can get to them and it helps them through a thing they’re going through.

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Kevin Kieriama

1 Projects | 0 Loved Projects

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About The Project

My project is an EP titled ”…of Love & Strife”.

The major themes I’ll be exploring in this project are; the complexity of romantic relationships for millennials and challenges of navigating through life for me and how entwines with my family ties.

The songwriting will be honest and the music soulful as I’m hoping to make an emotional connection with my audience.